Mr. Li is a second-generation tea producer whose father was a famous Yunnan teamaster. The family land contains tea trees of varying ages from which he harvests the leaf material.
Sticky Rice Fragrance puerh, or "nuo mi xiang", are produced in a number of forms throughout Yunnan, many of them in factory settings. Mr. Li's version is produced, like all his teas, in small batches. This allows him much more care and control over the final product. He began to produce sticky rice puerh to suit the tastes of the local Dai minority, from which the style originated.
Origin: Duoyi Village, Nannuo Mountain, Menghai District of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China
Grower/Teamaster: Li Shun Lin
Harvest Date: Spring 2020
Cultivar: One of the Da Ye Yunnan Big Leaves Tea Tree cultivars, possibly Camellia Taliensis.
Cultivation: Natural (Organic, no cert.)The tea trees on Mr. Li's land have never had any added manures, pesticides, or soil additives of any kind, and thrive completely on their own in their natural environment. The local tea growers believe that this gives the tea a more genuine character.
Plucking Standard:
Processing Notes: Hand-made Mao Cha, or loose leaf puerh. Sticky rice flavor comes exclusively from traditional blending with the Nuo Mi Xiang herb.
Nickname: nuo mi xiang, or Sticky Rice Fragrance
History/Pedigree: The Nannuo Mountain area has a long history of growing tea, with cultivation dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-920AD).
Brewing Suggestions1:
Water: 205-212˚F
Tea: 5g per 4oz of water (about a scant level 1.5 TB2)
Steep: Rinse, then brew 3 seconds, followed by 8-10 additional steepings increasing number of seconds with each steeping.
Tasting Notes:
Intense mineral and herbaceous flavors accentuated by the sticky rice flavor and aroma added by the nuo mi xiang nen ye (sticky rice fragrance leaf).
1 Brewing suggestions are just that. Try it my way then experiment. In this case I suggest first experimenting with the length and number of steepings. You could also experiment with the quantity of tea per oz of water. I would keep the water temperature in the range suggested, however.
2 Weighing your tea is always the best way to control your dosage. I provide approximate volume measures for convenience but they can be problematic due to the variance in tea leaf shape and size.