Volunteering at WSC! The Tea Harvest is upon us!

Being of Service: The Tea Monger as volunteer Adaptive Ski Instructor

2017 National Disabled Veteran's Winter Sports Clinic, Snomass Colorado  

At Leaves of Cha, we believe in being of service. Last week, the Teamonger was in Snowmass Colorado volunteering as an adaptive ski instructor at the 2017 National Disabled Veteran's Winter Sports Clinic. This is my sixth year at the Clinic and it is one of the highlights of my year. This year almost 400 disabled veterans participated, including around 150 new participants. They were supported by about 1000 volunteers, including 200 of the top adaptive ski instructors in the U.S.A. and Canada. On top of that there were the veteran's own caregivers and supporters: family members, friends, and professionals who accompany the veterans and make it possible for them to attend.

Here's a little "taste" of what I do when I'm not brewing tea...

Check out the video here.

And even when I'm out on the snow and ripping off the tops of mountains, I still find time for tea, as you can see here.



The 2017 Tea Harvest

Keep checking the Leaves of Cha website for new and restocked teas  

This is an exciting time of year as the tea world waits for all the new teas to come in. It is especially so when it comes to the small farm and single origin teas as even slight changes in weather can affect the quality, quantity, and cost of the tea produced. Many of the highest grade and most famous teas in China get bought up on the domestic market, leaving very little for the world market.

So look for some new teas to be added and for most to be restocked. Some teas might not be available this year because the quality was not there or the cost was too high to make it commercially viable. But I am always on the lookout for unique teas with provenance, with a story, and whose quality "is in the mouth."

Keep checking the Leaves of Cha website for all the developments. Drink With Me!